jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Bridge to Tesrebithia: Final thougts

The last part of the book was very sad and good. Leslie dies and Jess was still scared to go to Terabthia and then Jess had a funeral for Leslie. Then he made Maybell the queen of Terabithia because Leslie had died, but Jess said that he would never like to have met Leslie just because she died.

If I would rate this story from 1 to 10 I would give it a 7 and a half. It's a sad and good story. My favorite part is when they build Terabithia and make the golden room. Also another favorite part is when Jess thinks he's the fastest runner in fifth grade. I would feel sad if the only person that understood me died. I would be very sad. It's a good book and I recommend it to you.

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